Your credit report is one of your most valuable assets. It’s the official history of your credit behaviour and will help credit providers determine your financial reliability.
See what lenders and credit providers like phone and utilities companies can check when you make an application. Simply provide us some of your details and you will receive your free credit report within 10 business days.
Features & benefits
See what banks and other credit providers see
Find out what is on your credit report before you apply for credit
Not all credit reports are the same. Your Equifax credit report will likely provide you with the most complete view of your credit history in New Zealand. This is important as it is what lenders like banks, as well as telephone, electricity and gas companies can refer to when you make an application for a loan, credit card, mortgage or contract for a phone or electricity. Getting your up to date Equifax credit report means there are no surprises for you when you apply.
Been declined credit?
Find out why you have been declined
With a copy of your own personal credit report you can see past applications you have made for credit, your repayment history (subject to your lender providing this information to Equifax) as well as overdue debts that you have been listed as a default for. You can also check if this information is accurate, and if not, Equifax can investigate any inaccuracies for you.
Improve your credit reputation
It is one of your biggest assets
By understanding what is on your credit report you can work to improve it over time as it can possibly help you save money by getting a better deal. Know what is contained in your credit file and make sure your personal information is current and accurate.
Note: When applying for access please provide sufficient data to enable us to verify your identity. Please note where we are unable to verify your identity we may ask for additional information before we can provide you with your credit file. This is to protect you from identity fraud.
Ready to get started?
Order your free credit file now
Delivered within 10 business days