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March 2016Who we are
My Credit File gives New Zealanders access to their Equifax credit report.
My Credit Alert
Subscribe to My Credit Alert for:
- Your credit report
- PLUS your Equifax Score Rating
- See what banks and lenders see
- Directorship details
- Alerts to certain changes on your credit report
- Guard against identity theft
$69.95 per year
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My Credit File
Don't need your credit report right away? You can order a free credit report.
- Dispatched within 10 business days
- See what banks and lenders see
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Credit disputes
Have you found an error on your personal credit report? Equifax can help you resolve it.
Protecting yourself against identity theft
March 2017Identity theft can occur to anyone - at its core, it involves the perpetrator masquerading as someone else in order to steal money or access other personal details.
How can I improve my credit record?
March 2017For anyone juggling payments and bills from various essential service providers, from electricity and phone connections to rent or a mortgage, getting on top of their credit score may feel like a looming goal. However, with a few changes, you can begin to repair an unfavourable credit report.